Jordan Cichy

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Head Coach

About Jordan Cichy

Our most veteran coach, Coach Jordan holds a CF-L2 and also an A.S. in Exercise Science.  He began CrossFitting in 2011 and started coaching in 2014.  JDog is not only our in-house gymnastics expert but also our resident class clown, targeting both members and coaches with his antics.  When he’s not terrorizing Abby and Bonnie with his commentary, he loves to be outdoors hunting, hiking, fishing and camping.  For an adrenaline pump he rides his motorcycle or ATV.  At the gym, his pump comes from getting under a heavy snatch, his favorite movement and dodging warmups, his second favorite movement.  

Jordan loves that CrossFit keeps him motivated;  the variety of workouts and the push from the members in class keep him coming back.  An experienced and knowledgeable coach, Jordan is also a phenomenal athlete but isn’t afraid to scale workouts for himself.  He’s humble enough to pull back when needed and his good judgment translates over into his coaching with the experience to creatively scale for the members.  We are grateful to Jordan for his wisdom and loyalty to us since our first year in business.   

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